Happy Birthday!
Photo, me. Texture, Kim Klassen. |
Photo, me. Texture, Kim Klassen. |
It is still so hot here in Florida (51 days over 90, but who is counting!) that even the swings are unused. It is too hot to sit in them!
I still found it a pretty sight today... I hope you do too!
The girls are starting to hint (bigtime) about a trip to see Grammy...they must know that it will be snowing in New Hampshire soon!
I decided to take my camera on a spin around the house today and drummed up these two beauties--a purple bottle and a purple daisy.
Kinda makes the yellow pop, doesn't it? Have a great weekend!
It didn't go very well, unfortunately. I am always proud of the girls trying things, and giving it another try...and another try. I read somewhere (probably on the Internet, so of course it is a fact) that a person has to try a taste about 10 times to change a "bleh" to an "umm."
This was "bleh" 2.
8 more times to go!
This is a precious daily routine in our home. Sometimes it happens in a chair, or on a couch, or snuggled in the bed, but it always happens. Daddy tickles.
I walked into the kitchen to cook dinner, and my daughter had picked some flowers and set them on the counter for me. *awww*
Such innocent beauty. Tender love. My child. *sigh*
My daughters share the same love I have for the ocean. One asked me this morning if we could go, but alas, too much work today, so I made a promise to her (and to me) that we would go one day this week. Thursday seems like a good day, but since tomorrow is Tuesday, then Tuesday seems like an even better day!
The reasons I love the beach: The smell. The peace. The sound of the ocean and the seagulls. The cool of the water. The waves--and hopping through them. The feel of the sunlight on my skin. The expanse--it just puts everything in perspective.