July 3, 2010

Today is Day 3 of my Picture Summer Class

I'll add my day one and day two pictures too, just so I can get caught up--then watch for a lull midmonth when my camera and I (with the kids!) head to the Gulf coast of Florida for a shooting good time! (I mean that in the nicest way!)

Our assignment was to center something--mathematically speaking! I'm very off center, so this is a tough one for me, but I gave it a go!

Day 2 was a "splashy" photo, and since my children are home sick, I used an oldie but goodie!

And my first assignment was to take a picture of what summer represents to me. This again was tough because my kids were home sick, but we did our indoor version of an ice cream stand!

1 comment:

Tammy Lee Bradley said...

Glad to see you back for Picture Summer. I wouldn't have missed it. Tam

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